Chess presents a lots of fun and happiness for us.
Chess is an art, which is rich in aesthetics and beauty in it.
Now chess is not just limited to entertainment or just a sport, but has emerged a new perspective that explorer the chess as a science.
Various theories about the skills and techniques of playing chess are not new anymore, but the development is growing rapidly along with the development of information technology today.
We often conduct exploration on the internet, and we have found the availability of chess sites that describe the historical development of chess; presenting profiles of legendary world chess players that be on the top from time to time; sites that provide an analysis of the world - class chess games; sites that provide a variety of chess composition; or to analyze the various theories about playing chess. Even some chess site that allows us to play chess online.
So, why need to add one more chess site among the many sites that already exist?
Why CHESSCROSS is made?
We - The Administrator - are the Chess Lover !!! That's it...
We have gained many valuable things from other chess lovers out there, and we think that now is the time we share about what was available with us.
With a simple format, we hope CHESSCROSS can be accepted in the chess community that we love together.
May be useful
Admin Team